23 de January de 2025

Casemedia at ISE 2025: we are waiting for you at stand 8D930!

The biggest event for the audiovisual sector in Europe, from 4 to 7 February.

Casemedia will be present at ISE 2025, the most important event in Europe for the audiovisual industry, which will be held from 4 to 7 February at the Fira de Barcelona. Visit us at stand 8D930, where we will be presenting our latest packaging solutions and flightcases for professional equipment.


Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is the largest AV and systems integration event in Europe. Founded in 2004, the show brings together the industry's leading players to showcase the latest innovations in audiovisual and information technology. With the participation of thousands of exhibitors and visitors, ISE has established itself as a key meeting point for the latest trends and technological advances in areas such as digital signage, automation, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and more.

Casemedia at ISE 2025

This year, Casemedia will be present to showcase our products specifically designed to meet the needs of audiovisual professionals. On our stand 8D930, you will be able to discover our customised flight cases, ideal for the safe transport of sensitive equipment. Our experience and expertise in packaging solutions have allowed us to create high quality products, designed to guarantee the protection of your equipment in all circumstances.

Don't miss this key event

ISE 2025 is the perfect place to explore new business opportunities, learn from experts and make valuable contacts with other industry professionals. In addition to the exhibitions, ISE offers a full programme of conferences and presentations, making it an unmissable event for anyone involved in AV technology and systems integration.


Visit us at stand 8D930

We invite you to visit us at our stand 8D930 during ISE 2025 in Barcelona. Our team will be happy to show you our solutions and discuss how Casemedia can help you optimise the transport and protection of your AV equipment.

At Casemedia, we are proud to be part of this world-class event, and we look forward to sharing our latest innovations with you. See you in Barcelona!


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