04 de October de 2021

Casenook, made-to-measure furniture perfect for your shop

Casenook is our brand specialising in made-to-measure furniture. Tell us your idea and we will make it come true.

If you have a shop or a business related to fashion, you will know the needs of the sector. Wardrobes, drawers and made-to-measure furniture that allow you to organise your products and make it easier for your customers to see them, are essential in your business. At Casenook we take care of making and installing the furniture that best suits your company.

Don't settle. Choose furniture to suit your business.

At Casenook we specialise in commercial furniture, including furniture for clothes shops, shoe shops, etc. There is a wide variety of commercial furniture but we have a At Casenook we focus on making sure it is functional and fits perfectly with the design of your business.

It is important to take into account the products to be displayed. This way we can create different pieces of furniture adapted to the needs of each one of them. For example, we can create a made-to-measure module for long garments such as dresses or coats, and another grid-style module for shoes or accessories. Everything will be visually more organised and attractive to boost sales.


Specialists in furniture for clothing shops


If you have a fashion shop, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can carry out a made-to-measure furniture project for your business. At Casenook we are specialists in this type of projects: furniture for clothing shops, furniture for children's clothing shops, furniture for shoe shops, furniture for jewellery or other accessories, etc.

Thanks to our experience, we know that in order to capture the attention of our customers, it is not only important to have quality products. Creating environments in which the customer feels comfortable, well-organised spaces that allow good visibility of the products, are essential aspects that must be taken into account in the sales process.

For this reason, at Casenook we recommend you to count on professionals to carry out the renovation of the furniture in your clothing shop.

In addition, the commercial decoration of your business must favour language for your customers so that they can easily locate the product they are looking for without having to rely on the assistance of the salesperson.

clothing shop furniture

We have the best materials to manufacture the furniture for your shop.


At Casenook we only use materials from the best suppliers on the market. We know that in addition to the design, it is very important that the quality of the furniture is at the height of your clothing shop.

Casenook is a space where the passion for the design and manufacture of interior spaces, using wood as the main material, comes together. With a team of architects, engineers and highly experienced professionals, we seek to offer innovative solutions to current challenges".

We opted for wood because it has numerous benefits for your shop furnishings.

  1. It is a recurso renovable, This will promote the socially responsible image of your business and users increasingly value brands with a conscientious attitude!
  2. is heavy-duty. We think it is very important that your furniture lasts and is resistant to weight, possible knocks, etc.
  3. Brings warmth, harmony and balance to your shop. In this way, you will create the ideal atmosphere we were talking about earlier.
  4. Regulates humidity and is a thermal insulator.. Perfect for saving energy!
  5. Your maintenance is simple, so you won't have to worry too much or invest too much time in keeping your furniture in perfect condition.

furniture shop clothes

So much for today's post! If you have decided to renew the furniture in your shop, contact us! Our professionals at Casenook will be happy to advise you and accompany you throughout the whole process of manufacturing the furniture for your business.

Access our online shop.

We are waiting for you!

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