11 de July de 2023

Flight Case: The ideal protection for your instruments and music equipment

When it comes to your passion for music and the unforgettable moments you create at every event, protecting your equipment and instruments is paramount

Music is an art that requires the best instruments and equipment to perform. Having quality equipment is essential to deliver unique and unforgettable experiences every time you take the stage

Music is an art that must be protected, as well as your equipment and instruments with our flightcases, trusting Casemedia means trusting in quality

Our flight cases are tough and durable, designed specifically for the transportation and protection of sensitive and valuable equipment such as controllers, mixers, music players and other electronic devices used by professionals in the music industry. 

At Casemedia, we use high quality materials, such as bodyboard, varnished woods, reinforced aluminium profiles, polyethylene foams, and much more. With the quality of our materials, we ensure exceptional protection against shocks, falls, vibrations and adverse weather conditions.


Why should you consider a Flight Case for your equipment and instruments?


There are several reasons and, above all, the advantages of choosing our products: 

  • Maximum protection: The flight case is designed with customised internal foam and padding that fits your equipment perfectly, ensuring optimal protection against shocks, vibrations and sudden movements during transport. In addition, heavy-duty latches and secure locks ensure that your equipment is always protected.


  • Durability and strength: The flight cases are made of high quality materials that guarantee a long service life. The quality of our materials and the aluminium profiles provide a solid and resistant structure, capable of withstanding the rigours of transport and continuous use.


  • Organisation and convenience: Our flightcases are designed with the convenience of the professional in mind. Compartments and sliding trays allow you to organise and securely store all the cables, adapters and additional accessories needed for your presentations. This facilitates quick and efficient access to your equipment and prevents loss or damage to important components.


  • Customisation and branding: Flight cases can be customised with your brand logo or design, allowing you to stand out from the competition and promote your professional image at every session or event. In addition, some models offer the option of customisable LED lighting, which adds a striking visual touch to your performances.


  • Versatility and adaptability: our flight cases are available in a wide variety of sizes and configurations to suit different equipment, from DJ mixing desks to guitars, microphones or spotlights, for example. Whether you need to protect a compact control desk or a complete lighting rig setup, you'll always find a flight case that perfectly suits your needs, as we design and manufacture them 100% custom-made.


If you value the safety and protection of your equipment, you can't overlook the importance of a flight case. With its durability, strength and smart design, you can rest assured that your equipment will be protected at all times, without compromising on the comfort and functionality you need for your presentations.


The flight cases we recommend for your equipment


Flight case RACK 

Rack flight cases are one of the most demanded flight cases in Casemedia, whose application is the transport of electronic material or technological devices in an optimal way.

Among its features, we can highlight its safety and ease of transport. It is a robust flight case, due to its wooden interior and its metallic structure, which make it the best option for transporting technological material.

The closure is made with anchors and in its base we find four wheels that will help in the transport of this type of material that, generally, is delicate and heavy. The interior is padded with high-density foam to guarantee safety during transport.


Flight case mesa de mezcla 

These flight cases are tailor-made for the safe transport of mixing desks and dj tables. The padded interior, lined with foam, and its external metal structure, increase the guarantee of the transport of this technological material.

The products made by Casemedia are fully customisable and adaptable to the needs of the client, as all flight cases are individually created to adapt our products to the desired application.



We also guarantee the resistance of our packaging and the maximum protection of the materials to be transported, as we have the necessary tools and machinery for the optimal manufacture of our products.

At Casemedia we understand the importance of the protection and safety of your equipment and instruments. We have a wide range of flight cases designed specifically to meet the needs of music professionals. Don't risk your equipment, choose quality and trust the best!

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